This does not put the item in your inventory but instead lets you carry the object in front of you. Creatures never accept a yield.Īctivate (doors, triggers) or pick up (places object in your inventory) Not all opponents will accept your yield others may accept the yield but immediately resume fighting. To yield to an opponent, you must Block while activating the character. If Telekinesis is active, the targeted item will be pulled closer to you if the Attack key is simultaneously pressed, the item will be dropped. Toggles weapon between ready and sheathed (and toggles torch if equipped) Spells are selected in the spell menu (or with hotkey). To cast your currently selected spell or scroll. If Telekinesis is active, the targeted item will be pushed further away from you. To attack with your equipped weapon (or hand to hand if no weapon has been equipped). On Xbox and PS3, run/walk is controlled by how far the left thumb-stick is pressed. On Xbox and PS3, you click down on the left stick.Only available once you reach journeyman level in Acrobatics.